Milkbar (DVD)

Milkbar (DVD)
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Can communism’s slow food stand up to capitalism’s fast food? NOTE: Available in Region 2 only (Europe).
Danuta and Dzitka are two stubborn Polish ladies running a state subsidized restaurant founded under communist rule. Here one can eat one’s fill for less then €1. Large pots of cabbage boil in the kitchen and a large roaring machine peels potatoes. Danuta inspect the kitchen and all the chefs and assistants while Dzitka takes the orders. “1500 kg of potatoes and five bottles of Coca-Cola!” Suddenly the potatoe machine breaks down. Dzitka and Danuta have to peel by hand. The queue of customers becomes a long one. A man is impudent enough to order a double portion of potatoes! Out of Poland’s 25 000 milk bars, only 140 remain. Can Communism’s slow food stand up to Capitalism’s fast food? WATCH TRAILER
Weight: 100 g
Dimensions: 3 × 20 × 25 cm
Title: Milkbar
Release year: 2007
Length: 50
Language: Polish
Subtitles: Swedish, English
Region: 2